Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello​,​ every​body!​ It's me, Mr. Rober​t Edge!​ I'm getti​ng a new websi​te made so I want to give anyon​e on my frien​ds list the oppor​tunit​y to be featu​red on my websi​te!​ There​ are only 14 spots​ open!​ [I found​ some empty​ space​ at the botto​m of my websi​te!​]​ If you would​ like to apply​:​ pleas​e send 1. Your Name 2. Name of your link 3.Addre​ss,​ to where​ the link is going​ It's that easy,​ and it's free!​ The finis​hed websi​te will repla​ce my old one at, http:​/​/​www.​ rober​tedge​.​ co. cc HURRY​!​ ONLY 14 spots​ left!​

Saturday, November 22, 2008

About The Satana & The Sex Scene

Hello, to anyone that may be reading this. I'm very sorry that I haven't been blogging as much as I should have, but I've been very busy (working on my book, and coming back to the game of YouTube.)
As you may or may not know, I am working on a novel called, The Satana, which should be out some time in March of 2009, if everything goes as planned. I'm sure you're probably wondering why I am writing a book, seeing as I'm only 16 and what in the world is a "Satana." Well, I'm not aloud to tell you what a Satana is but I am more than welcome to tell you why I am writing a book. 
I think that sensation of journalism hit me when I was in the 7th grade. I'm not sure why I started writing, but I do remember my first story was called, "Demon Ring." Demon Ring was about a young female, who was getting a step-father, who ironically was a "Demon." The main character, Serena, "borrowed" a ring from her step-father. Little did, Serena know, that the ring had special powers, which were supposed to be used for evil, but Serena was not an evil person.
Anyway... enough of Demon Ring. The Satana is a wonderful book in general. The only thing which I'm not too sure about the book is Chapter 3, which is an entire chapter devoted to Claire's (the main character) rape, by a janitor. Although the chapter is very interesting to read and it adds some interesting drama to the storyline and helps with the need for Claire to be sure of everything she does, it is also very graphic, and kind of surprised me when I finished reading it over. I would like for the story to attract the same kind of crowd as Harry Potter or Twilight readers and fans, but the one scene is throwing this book into another sex section, which I really don't want.

The Black Socailite: Miley Cyrus Is Dead

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TXT: satana to 66937

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Second Period: My 2nd class of the day, is Gym, with Mr. Pinkney. This is one of the first times I had a written test in gym.
It's Class Colors Day. By the time, I got to my first class, I had already changed clothes and got face+painted.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Code Name: The Closet Unlocked!

The Closet is simply a book. Though the media has hyped the story behind what it really, Robert Edge simply says it’s a book. Currently, the title is in the mix, but currently, it is being labeled as, “The Story of Claire.”
We’re still unsure of what this “novel” is going to be about— so we’ll have to wait until the Black-Friday release [Friday following Thanksgiving Thursday].

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Re-Opening of House of Edgemoore

The Robert Edge Network has decided to revive a former house of couture, which was commonly known as House of Edgemoore Fashion Co, created by Robert Edge. During the first quarter of 2008, House of Edgemoore closed their doors to the public, becoming a privately owned company, until completely closing out entirely. Since the creation of the head company of all of Robert Edge’s creations, The Robert Edge Network Inc, R. Edge has created a name for himself, and title for all of his ventures.
Currently, R. Edge is sponsoring the famous YouTube Series, The G&P Show, which is currently working on their third season of production. But, fact of the matter, R. Edge, has decided to reopen the doors of House of Edgemoore, after designing and hand picking shoes himself, from my sponsors and companies, House of Edgemoore had become a warehouse of rare and “it” shoes.
It is unclear whether or not the R. Edge merchandise store, simply titled, Robert Edge, will produce anything past footwear, but the public is simply happy to have it open.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dannon Estelle

The G&P Show, is finally stepping up their game. 
On, June 11, 2008, The G&P Show signed a exclusive contract with the house of couture, 
Dannon Estelle
The G&P Show, not only designs and creates with the the new-discovered Dannon Estelle, but it is also rumored that eventually Gerter Bode, co-host of The G&P Show, will purchase Dannon Estelle, as his own personal house of couture.
Only time will tell where The G&P Show, will take their next step!

For More Infomation, visit:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Code Name: The Closet

It is now official, that something is bubbling up in the creative mind of Robert Edge. Currently, he is using a code name, which had come to be called: "The Closet."
Most people are almost sure, that "The Closet" will be another house of fashion, or is there really something deeper to this codename. But then again, "The Closet," can have many meanings to it. It'll be up to the public to interrupt what the code is.

"The Closet"

Whatever "The Closet" meanings, it will be unveiled in Q4, of this year. So wait. Enjoy. And Think.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Boredom Comes About

Yesterday, in Maryland and Washington D.C. area, a storm approached. Of course, my younger siblings, Marcus and Tieler, were running through housing panicking and preparing for the worst. I had only returned home from school. It was raining, giving everything a gray effect. 
Though it was raining, I still took my time coming down the street. The street lamps weren't on, and the neighborhood seemed to be deserted, so I figured the power and been cut off, because of the storm. As I approached my home, I found my mother, Coretta, and Marcus standing in the frame of the garage. 
Obvious, they announce that the power is off, and then question me "Why weren't you running... it's raining!"
Obviously, I realize its raining, but I not afraid of water. I continued, into the room with was only illuminated by the foggy gray outside, and light reflecting off the clouds. I fix myself a bowl of chips and nacho cheese. Time moves on... I fall asleep... I wake up, and the power has just flickered on. Immediately I get my Treo, and plug it into the charger. I charge onto into the family, were all the lights had been turned on, probably because of people testing the power, beforehand.
Even though, I was lucky enough to have power: that didn't mean EVERYONE had power. I called a few people, to check my theory. So far everyone seemed to okay. 
The next morning, I'm actually prepared of a school day, oddly. I take out a pair of shoes, which had three months worth of mowing the lawn on them, and take 15 minutes of my morning schedule in order to clean them. 
I finish cleaning them. Still I had time to spare, so I download a few songs to keep me entertained throughout the school-day. I manage to SYNC a few songs and a movie, to my Zune. Still with time to spare, I go into the Bathroom, and begin applying a facial clean, which would usually be applied that night before, but because I had the time, I decided to use it. 
The cream was applied and then whipped clean. 
The Bus is surely only a few minutes away, so I quickly take my Treo from the charger, un-SYNC my Zune, and then through my backpack, of course, on my back. The next moment there is a vibrating sensation in my pocket. I take out my Treo, and find a picture of my mother stained across the Treo's screen. I already assumed, that she would be calling me just to make sure I was on my way to the Bus Stop. 
She explains to me that because of all of the power outages throughout Maryland, School is closed. 
So here I am, in a Thursday Morning, bored and lonely. 
Help Me!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Termination of the Titan

During the redesign of Robert Edge's collection of companies, he decided that it would be best to terminate House of Edgemoore Fashion Co.
During the reign of the house of fashion, House of Edgemoore, had become more of a shell or "umbrella" for all of Robert Edge's collection. He found that consumers and visitors to his website, would actually search within the House of Edgemoore website, looking for the partnering companies, rather than shopping for what House of Edgemoore was actually designed for: Fashion.
To counter this problem, R. Edge created a face for his business, so that one would be linked to another, and not clash during marketing and advertising. In the process, Edge Umbrella Corporation was born, and ended House of Edgemoore. Even though, House of Edgemoore's clothing can still be purchase from their website, and their have been rumors of R. Edge reopening House of Edgemoore, it is no longer the "Face" of R. Edge's empire.

"Just like a phoenix... the House of Edgemoore was born... and then died. But from its ashes, a stronger and more powerful Phoenix was born... Edge Umbrella Corp..."
-Robert Edge, founder of House of Edgemoore & Edge Umbrella Corporation

The G&P Show: Crank Dat

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