Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Termination of the Titan

During the redesign of Robert Edge's collection of companies, he decided that it would be best to terminate House of Edgemoore Fashion Co.
During the reign of the house of fashion, House of Edgemoore, had become more of a shell or "umbrella" for all of Robert Edge's collection. He found that consumers and visitors to his website, would actually search within the House of Edgemoore website, looking for the partnering companies, rather than shopping for what House of Edgemoore was actually designed for: Fashion.
To counter this problem, R. Edge created a face for his business, so that one would be linked to another, and not clash during marketing and advertising. In the process, Edge Umbrella Corporation was born, and ended House of Edgemoore. Even though, House of Edgemoore's clothing can still be purchase from their website, and their have been rumors of R. Edge reopening House of Edgemoore, it is no longer the "Face" of R. Edge's empire.

"Just like a phoenix... the House of Edgemoore was born... and then died. But from its ashes, a stronger and more powerful Phoenix was born... Edge Umbrella Corp..."
-Robert Edge, founder of House of Edgemoore & Edge Umbrella Corporation

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